Before all the leaves fall and we can't see past the sleet covering the lush grass, I decided to capture the beauty of Colorado in the most fantastical way that I could think of: an Infrared Canon camera. Images from infrared cameras tend to have a single color channel because the cameras generally use a sensor that does not distinguish different wavelengths of infrared radiation. What this basically means is that the infrared filter is removed from the camera, which requires you to capture a photo in sunlight in order for the infrared effect to work. It was a sunny day and I began my adventure in my front yard. I got some awesome pictures of my neighbor's cat before heading to Chitaqua. At the end of the day, I composed a series of composited photos that depict my surrealistic day. It was a success.
Desaturation, Levels
Exposure, Levels, Contrast
Curves, Levels, Saturation
Offset, Contrast, Levels, Color Balance
Gradient, Levels, Color Balance
Contrast, Tone, Hue, Levels
Saturation, Hue, Exposure
Cloning, Cropping, Levels
Color Balance, Curves, Contrast
Saturation, Hue, Levels
Color Balance, Cropping, Curves
Offset, Levels, Contrast
Color Balance, Levels, Curves